Terms and Conditions
1) Terms Of Business For Candidates
IMS operates to the strictest ethical standards with regards to international recruitment.
We do not charge candidates for our services.
We offer impartial advice to candidates on their suitability to work internationally.
We will always try to be honest in informing candidates as to their chances of our being able to assist them in finding employment and where the opportunities may be.
We have contracts with many different international organisations and wherever possible try to offer candidates a variety of options with regards to employment.
We endeavour to represent the offers to candidates in an accurate manner based on information supplied by clients. IMS accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of such information provided by any of its clients. It is the responsibility of the candidate to check the veracity of any information that they receive from a potential employer.
IMS sole role is to furnish candidates with information regarding employment opportunities based on information provided by its clients.
IMS has no contract in any legal sense with any candidate.
A candidate has no recourse against IMS with regards to any information that either the client has provided direct to the candidate or any that has been passed on via IMS.
Any decision taken by a candidate to be employed by a client is taken entirely at the candidate’s own risk and IMS is not party to any contract between any client and any candidate.
All financial costs with regards to finding employment will be borne by the candidate.
IMS has no legal obligation to assist any candidate from whom it has received communication regarding finding them employment opportunities.
IMS will unilaterally decide with whom they will communicate and assist with regards to finding employment.
We always treat our candidate and client information with utmost confidentiality.
We have a clear policy on GDPR and the information that we hold and disseminate on behalf of candidates to clients and other third parties.
2) Terms Of Business For Clients
IMS operates to the strictest ethical standards with regards to international recruitment.
We always treat both candidate and client information with utmost confidentiality.
IMS will endeavour to work professionally towards recruiting suitable staff as per the require-ments detailed by the client.
IMS’s responsibility is to endeavour to find candidates meeting the specific requirements of a client.
IMS acts in an introductory capacity only in terms of introducing candidates to clients.
IMS does not guarantee that it will be able to find suitable staff for a client, but will use its best endeavours to do so. IMS accepts no liability if it is unable to source suitable medical staff on behalf of a client. IMS will endeavour to find suitable candidates for a client, but gives no guar-antee that it will be able to find any candidate for any role that a client may request its services. Nor will IMS guarantee that any recruitment result will occur within any specific timescale. Sign-ing a contract with IMS does not obligate IMS to deliver any candidates and no client has any recourse if no candidates are subsequently employed by IMS.
IMS shall endeavour to ensure the suitability of the candidate and to maintain a high standard of service and integrity but gives no warranty as to such suitability. Every client will need to undertake its own recruitment procedures, as it deems necessary, to satisfy itself of the suitability and the performance capability of the Candidate.
IMS accepts no responsibility for the performance of any candidate that any client decides to engage that IMS presented to a client.
The client will only have recourse against IMS in the event that IMS is proven to have deliberately and fraudulently misrepresented to a client a candidate’s qualifications and capabilities.
IMS will charge its fee for any candidates recruited by a client for any contract given to one of its candidates be they permanent employment, locum or contract employment. The client will be made aware of the fee and terms in advance in the terms stated in an agreed contract.
IMS will require any client to sign a contract for the engagement of IMS’s services. This contract may be an IMS contract or one supplied by a client. IMS will supply a contract that will apply whether signed (or not). IMS’s contract terms will apply if the client makes any request or response for further information on any candidates that subsequently are recruited by the client. If a client accepts the financial terms regarding a proposed fee (either verbally, in writing or by email from an employee of IMS), then this is regarded as acceptance of IMS’s terms of business. As such, IMS will be remunerated accordingly and will apply whether any contract has not been signed by an employee or officer of the client.
The laws of any contract between IMS and a client (unless otherwise separately specified) with be those of The United Kingdom. Any disputes will ultimately be settled in a UK court. Before any legal action were to be commenced, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) must be undertaken.
Whilst we try to ensure that the standard of this website remains high and to maintain the continuity of it, the internet is not an inherently stable medium, and errors, omissions, interruptions of service and delays may occur at any time. We do not accept any liability arising from any such errors, omissions, interruptions or delays or any ongoing obligation or responsibility to operate this website (or any particular part of it) or to provide the service offered on this website. We may vary the specification of this site from time to time without notice.
3) IMS Website Liability
IMS endeavours in all good faith to ensure that the information on this site is reliable in terms of accuracy and timeliness. However, with some of the contained information being supplied to us by third party Clients, and also circumstances inevitably changing over time, IMS cannot always verify this information’s veracity.
IMS accepts no liability resultant from the information given on this site. IMS accepts no liability with regards to any action that an individual or organisation may take with regards to information provided on this site.
It is stated that it is wholly incumbent on the reader to verify (by taking their own appropriate measures that they deem necessary) any information contained herein.